Cased Factory Engraved Silver Plated Remington Vest Pocket Pistol (AH4991)

Cased Factory Engraved Silver Plated Remington Vest Pocket Pistol (AH4991)
Price: $3,995.00
Item Number:
Previously sold

Cased Factory Engraved Silver Plated Remington Vest Pocket Pistol. Beautiful gun! This is a Remington Vest Pocket Pistol that is factory engraved and silver plated with pearl grips. 97% of the silver finish remains. Grips are excellent and accessories are done in pearl to match. Gun is in a gutta percha case that looks to be a Sharp’s case that has been converted. There is a label for the Gunmaker Theophilus Murcott of London in the interior. Curiously, the gun does not have British proof marks. 32 Rounds of antique ammo are in this case in the mounted cartridge holder. Beautiful set in very fine condition!  

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